inquiry questions on Harrison Bergeron and The last Cuentista. from a goose

I have read 2 more Human litteratures on Dystopias. and i have been given the task of giving inquiry questions for both of them.

given that im a human hating goose, it still a baffeling knowledge that for humans everyone isn’t isn’t equal enough. “SQUACK” humans are so absent minded as geese we have no time for what shade of feathers we have we focus on more important thing like migrating. But a question I did have after reading Harrison Bergeron was ( is true equality just as bad as discrimination?) Humans these days are always striving for better equality and as a goose even I can see hat as a good thing but its a lot different if we take the word equality too literally if humans tried to inforce true equality in society it would be just the same as inforcing discrimination. to quote from the story “some things about living weren’t Quite right” and “They weren’t really very good-no better than any body else would have been”. given from these quotes, it seems as if a world of true equality doesn’t feel like a truely better or equally right place.

and after reading The LAST CUENTISTA I was also daunted with a question ( Is true equality important for salvation?) of course for us geese its not much of a question but humanity, is it really the most important thing to worry about when starting over humanity to quote from the collective men “Inconsistency and inequality are what have led us to such unrest and unhappiness. This collective effort ensures survival”. The respons in my mind was like “is that the most important thing right now. your people are about to die to a comet and you say that your inconsistancy is the problem? a falling comet is natural disaster the important thing right now for all of you and for us is to get off the that sinking ship. In my goosey mind I believe an equality of rights for a civilization is important but a rue equality civilization isn’t. even as a goose I know that.but why cant humans see that?

Asimov’s tempting stories of the inevitable

oh as a goose do you ever just wonder how wonderful it would be if humans just died out ,it would be bieutiful. but reality is just as cruel to us so that cant just happen by itself unless if its by natural causes. But a Human author known as Issac Asimov had tempted me to think that inevitable natural causes just might be the thing that could wipe out humanity. and that would all have to stem from themselfs.

as of now i have read 2 of his stories Nightfall and The Last Question. where both stories revolved around the inevitable doom of humanity, and well ,life itself. But both stories do end with a possibility that life will still go on. even after a huge catastrophy. But both stories did give the idea that if humanity were to die out it would be by his own hands. And as a goose I love it.

If only If Issac was a goose. he would know.

In the year 2057 if man is still alive

As a goose it is a wonder of how far we come and when i mean be we I mean god D**n what what will humans or we geese will acomplish in 35 years?Well to answer that i have a few predictions.

  1. nuclear weapons will be banned entirelly through out the world. And that is a big if. It is not entirely likely for us to see this in its 100% true form but it would definitly be a way of having the lumeing threat of nuclear fallout off our shoulders.
  2. politics will be less combatant. in recent years politics have plauged humans for generations. they ponder it they argue with it they bash eachothers heads int the concrete floor just because of it. It would be a better future to see lees of these more violent forms of politics ridof for good.
  3. tech will be more monitored in its A.I. this means red pilling our supper computers so they wont go terminator on us.
  4. Humans will be on mars by then… pretty self explanitory.
  5. and finally THERE WILL BE NOTHING LEFT. humanity has collapsed upon itself and have utterly destroyed themselves over petty issues. while we geese will rise from there ashes and take reign on their world. Geese will rule the World! moo-ha-ha-hahahaha!

archetypes role in human pop culture

this year has gone by fast my fellow geese and today im celibrating it with home work. GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT

so today in my class the human has asked me to write about character archytpes in pop culture. In any other situation I would scauf at the question but in this case I have no choice.

so why are these archytypes important? well they establish a different type of personality and role a character is given in a story. most of the time you will always see a hero a villian a mentor and so on. they are common tropes for all stories to have. they are both familiar and easy to see and understand characters and what there roles are in the story

but in a way, all if not many stories have these because all if not stories are very similiar. it may be a way of knowing that stories tell, well, stories about humanity. the good and the bad the strong and the weak zeros to heros and bad guys to 6 feet under. they all tell the story of human triumph and that in the end evil will turn to dust and life, bravery, and all good will go on. its a way for humans to inspire themselves to keep on to look up to someone you can relate to. they may not be real but they inspire to make what they stand for real. most pop culture characters that we look up to are the heros because of what they stand for. and archytypes are just the foundation to biuld upon. and sure not all of them are good, but the bad characters are a way for humans to warn themselves about the dangers and the corruption that can plauge there world and there minds if they aren’t careful enough. and when evil does rise we have to inspire ourselves and stand up for the greater good.

hu… I guess humans … do have some qualities about them that are ….. nice

well anyways I mean ,um… uh, … humans are stupid! geese will rule the world!

Honk Talk: mythology in, society, pop culture, and why goose mythology is probably better

Hello, fellow geese welcome to honk talk. where we talk about Human life, activities, etc, and ask the question if these humans do great at it or suck at it.

Today on honk talk we will talk about mythology. mythology, what is mythology? well, mythology was a code word during the second goose world war for divebombing and smashing our enemy’s eggs, ( many soon to have been babies died those cruel days) but in human terms, it means ancient stories that talk about how the world came into being through fictional ways. in other words, it’s a religion that even nowadays anyone can tell its bull” HONK”. heck even we geese know that the world came into being from the giant gold egg, I mean how can you not go wrong with that explanation? The reason I will be talking about this is that while I have been undercover in this English class, we were talking about Norse mythology. …. what were these humans drinking when coming up with this stuff, and for me being a goose that’s saying something.

so in this issue of honk talk, we will be talking about how mythology has had an impact on the human world, what its importances are, and how our true religion may compare to the human mythology

so most mythology talks about how the world was created. mostly by gods and goddesses through strange and mythical ways. and usually, mythologies represent different cultures and countries through their strange ways of storytelling. but they do it in a way that makes it entertaining. that’s why I think human pop culture references them a lot. to the human Eye, it is apparent that mythology is a cultural phenomenon. have such mythologies as greek mythology being adapted into the Percy Jackson series and even Norse mythology being adapted into… well I lost track. let’s just say there are a lot of adapted mythologies in human pop culture. I guess mythology is so creative in how they explain things I believe some humans prefer to believe in such things.

So what does this mean for us geese? well, our past mythologies from prehistoric times have sadly been lost to time, but this is a good thing because it doesn’t give us geese another distraction from evolving migrating and taking over the world. WHICH MAKES US BETTER!

Goose talk News: When will the human race Fall?

Hello, fellow geese, and welcome to Blogooses first post.

Today has been a long day for me especially for the fact that I have been disguised as a human in a senior class without notice. I don’t know if it’s the fact that these upright ape descendants have no idea what a goose with glasses looks like, or just because I have been so good at blending in with them, that they haven’t had a clue.

While living amongst the Humans for so long I have had a thought to myself. HOW LONG UNTIL THE HUMAN RACE FALLS?

Well, our top goose scientists, researchers, and humanologist have theorized that human civilization, SHOULD have ended 2 centuries ago. and by this time we SHOULD have conquered the world by this point. but thanks to the harshly unfair fist of reality that did not happen. For SOME reason while we were waiting for our time to come, these ragdoll hooligans have still been breathing and living today. living their supposed “perfect” lives while we still have to rely on migrating every winter.

So this begs the question when will the human race will fall? Well, there is no easy question but it appears that it may end sooner than we think. To this day the humans across the world have seemed to be in a unofficial war between each other. Humans call this “political tension”, what ever that means. but What we do know is that sooner or later, the humans may be very close to bringing there own destruction, only time may tell.

While we wait, I will be continuing writing posts for Blogoose about what we can still learn from these humans and especially for there literature and writing. While there still around of course.